43 thoughts on “Scenes from Labor Day Weekend: Farewell, Summer!”

  1. Am I write in thinking that your Labour Day marks the start of autumn? Isn’t there some old line about not wearing white after that day? I seem to remember something from old books!

    1. Autumn doesn’t officially begin until September 22. At the same time, Labor Day signals the end of summer. And, yes, once upon a time you weren’t supposed to wear white after Labor Day. Thank goodness we’re more relaxed about colors nowadays.

  2. Is that a pizza? Or what? It looks sooooo good! It’s fun to see your fire, too. It’s going to be a while before the fire pits start glowing here — enjoy your coolth!

  3. I don’t want summer to go, even though this one was way too hot, and had way too many mosquitoes. And maybe too much rain too. Still, I don’t want it to go! Katie, on the other hand has had it with summer heat and is anxiously waiting for it too cool down significantly so we can go for a walk in the woods. Hopefully after a frost so the bugs are dead! She’s dreaming about that now.

    I love your firepit! I think that would be a nice thing to have. Right out front of my tent in the backyard, right? So I wouldn’t have to go anywhwere to camp at all!

    1. Shelties and heat do not go together. All that fur. And think of where their ancestors came from. 😉 Firepits are great. Now that the weather has cooled, we are having a fire every night. So relaxing.

  4. Something kinda sad about summer ending … until I remember that Autumn is on the way, and I love Autumn! Cooler temps are great for walking a long-haired dog (and I’ve had more skeeter bites this summer than I can remember from past summers).

    1. Yes, a bittersweet time. I love autumn, too, and the cooler temps the season brings. Same for me with skeeter bites. Unbelievable. Thank goodness for Benadryl gel. Sure relieves the itches.

  5. Nothing like a firepit, and the food looks yummy. I’m sure you’ve mentioned it before, but what is the name of your beautiful kitty?

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