An Extended Break until June

Spring is always a busy time. In Maine, gardeners have approximately one month—May—to get everything in order. For me, this includes clearing the leaves from my flower beds, no small task when you live on the edge of the woods. Then, there is the adding of compost and fertilizer, and with my creaky knees, it’s a challenge to get this done before sweet June arrives.

Also, I am working hard to finish my next YA fantasy, Darcy Dansereau, and for various reasons, completely separate from creaky knees, the progress is oh so slow. But I still plan to have the book published in fall of 2024. Onward, ho!

All this is a roundabout way of saying that I will be taking an extended blogging break from May well into June. I’m not exactly sure when I will return. When time allows, I will pop in to read other blogs, but this will not be on a regular basis.

Spring is a beautiful time in Maine, and I leave you with these red-tipped branches against a bright blue sky. I took the picture when I was sitting on our patio, one of my favorite places.

Farewell until June!


60 thoughts on “An Extended Break until June”

  1. Happy gardening and writing Laurie, see you in June! 💚🙋‍♀️

  2. Oh do I understand the leaves. They seem to never totally be gone no matter how many loads you take off. 🙂 Writing another book I cannot imagine, but I can understand your needing time off. Take care, hope the knees hold up, and the words flow freely. 🙂

    1. Thanks so much! Actually, I can bend really well so I don’t have to kneel. Thank goodness. Don’t think I could garden if I had to kneel.

  3. I see you have your work cut out. I hope you will be able to do what you want to do. Have fun !!

  4. Best of luck with all of it, Laurie. I will miss your voice in the blogosphere, but it’s good to know when you’ll return. I’m sorry about the creaky knees. For me, it’s my hips. I can relate to the chore of doing things when body parts are painful and uncooperative. Your ability to produce books is really something. I look forward to your next volume.

  5. Good luck with your garden and your book Laurie. I shall look forward to reading more from you when you get back to us. Meanwhile enjoy the break and don’t work your knees too hard.

  6. Enjoy your time off and the beautiful spring days, Laurie! I love your photo of red-tipped branches against that bright blue sky. Take good care of yourself.

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