Friday Favorite: Between Heather and Grass

I decided to change the title for my Friday posts. Formerly, it was What’s Making Me Happy, but I had borrowed this from the excellent podcast Pop Culture Happy Hour, and I thought maybe it would be best to have something different. There is a fine line between admiration and plagiarism, and I didn’t want to cross it.

So now the title will be Friday Favorites, but the content will be the same as I list things that made me happy or caught my attention during the week. Often I list three things, but today there will only be one as it needs to stand by itself.

Long overdue to be featured on this blog is the very beautiful book, Between Heather and Grass: Poems and Photographs Filled with Love, Hope and Whippets. It was published by my blogging friend Xenia Tran, who has the lovely blogs Whippet Wisdom and Tranature. Both blogs feature fine poetry as well as gorgeous photography of Scotland. Whippet Wisdom, as its name suggests, also features two graceful whippets, Eivor and Pearl.

Between the Heather and Grass also features fine poetry, gorgeous photographs of Scotland, and those two elegant whippets. In addition, there are short paragraphs of prose that expand on the poetry and photos.

About Between Heather and Grass, Xenia writes, “We are donating thirty per cent of any net profit from the sale of this book to a children’s cancer charity in memory of our nephew Jamie Baker and another thirty per cent of net profit to the UK’s largest dog welfare charity in memory of Flynn, Fergal, Seamus and Ruby. ”

Readers, I have a confession to make. I was moved to tears by the poignancy of the photos and words in this book combined with the dedication to Xenia’s nephew, who alas, did not survive his bout with cancer. I, too, have a nephew who had cancer, but fortunately he survived.

Anyway, this is a book to cherish, to have have in your own library and to give to others who love photography, poetry, and dogs.

Addendum: Oops! I had meant to delete this music video and include it in next week’s Friday Favorites. But it was pushed so far down that I didn’t notice it was on this post until a reader commented on it. Well, two things are featured this Friday.  Enjoy Jon Batiste’s fantastic music.


Addendum 2: Hoo-boy! Really missing the beat this week. On my Friday posts, I always like to include Thistle and Kiwis small pleasures for the week. Because let’s face it, especially during these times, you can’t have too many small pleasures.

38 thoughts on “Friday Favorite: Between Heather and Grass”

  1. Listening to Jon now and loving the music. Thank you for the introduction to Jon Bastiste, and to Xenia’s book “Between the Heather and Grass”. 🙂

  2. I’ve been following Xenia for a few years now… her photos of the whippets at the beach look so joyful and carefree, always bringing a smile to my day.
    I’m glad you’re introducing music of NPR-TDC, some great musicians are featured there. Music and poetry– balm for these troubled times.

  3. Hi, Laurie – I’m loving the new title!
    I have read Xenia’s blog and have greatly enjoyed her photographs and her poetry. Thank you for sharing her new book here. It looks beautiful!
    Oh, and thank you (accidentally) sharing Jon’s music — awesome!

  4. Thank you so much for your kind words and your lovely review dear Laurie 🌺 We’re deeply honoured to feature here alongside Jon Batiste and his wonderful music too! 💜

  5. Looking forward to reading Xenia’s book and her blog… my father is Scottish. John Batiste is also on my list. I enjoy your suggestions.

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