The Darling Buds of May

Fortunately, Maine has not been plagued with rough winds this week.  Our neighbors to the immediate south had to contend with tornado watches, lightening storms that took down trees and power lines, and wild, hard rain.

Instead, all has been relatively tranquil in the pine tree state. The days have been sunny, and we even had a small rain the other night to help all things growing. My one complaint: It has been a tad too cool, and a hard frost has been predicted for tonight. Back in the day, my father always waited until Memorial Day to plant his garden, and for tender plants such as tomatoes and basil, this is still a good guideline in Maine.

Speaking of darling buds of May…here’s a shot I took at the little park in town, after a bike ride.

One of my absolute favorite flowers ready to bloom.

In the woods edging our yard, the ferns have unfurled and are growing. Just last week, they were tucked into tight curls. Now look at them. Spring gallops by much too quickly.

The patio, in the middle of green (rather than white or, even worse, mud) is now an inviting place to sit. If you look closely, you will see a woodpecker at the feeder.

Little Miss Watson thinks the patio is a nice place, too.

I’m not the only one who loves our backyard.

29 thoughts on “The Darling Buds of May”

  1. Sweet Miss Watson – she’s so happy to be outside again!! 🙂 Love the green of Spring!

  2. Miss Watson looks quite pleased to be out in the garden! Beautiful photos, Laurie.

    We started planting tomatoes here. I think we are now past the danger of frost, although it seems too cool still for peppers and eggplant.

  3. Things are looking good up there, Laurie. Is that a downy on the feeder? We get those here. I was in Maine the one time I saw a pileated woodpecker.

    We also had the tornado watch a few nights ago: odd for our area. Lots of rain here. When it finally stops we will all run out and mow our overgrown lawns.

    1. Yes, what sharp eyes you have! We have lots of pileated woodpeckers in the back woods. So glad the tornado missed you! The weather has been weird, weird, weird.

      1. Yes- I agree about the weird weather, for sure. We’re also getting weird weeds – I am pulling up stuff I have never seen before. Very cool you see pileated woodpeckers on a regular basis. That’s a dream bird to me. : )

  4. Yes, time is speeding on and it will be midsummer day before we know it. The years seem to get faster and faster as I grow older.

  5. Oh, I do love a black and white cat! It’s one color combo I don’t have! Your flowers are further along than ours–I’m still waiting for my irises!

  6. We planted our vegetables in the garden last weekend… then have had about 6 inches of rain this week, and more coming down. I may need a bushwhacker for the lawn when it finally dries enough to mow! The tomatoes and pepper are thrilled. -Oscar

    1. Tomorrow, I plan on picking up tomatoes, basil, and a cucumber plant. Come, warmer weather, come!

  7. The backyard and Miss Watson look beautiful!🙂 May and September have always been my favorite months and we always wait until after Mother’s Day to plant flowers.

    1. They are beautiful months, and my birthday just happens to be in September.

  8. We didn’t get any frost here, but the soil is still on the cold side, so I am slowly, slowly getting my veggies in. Such glorious weather, my bees are deliriously gathering nectar and pollen. But apparently we have a bear in our area making late-night raids on bird feeders and hives!

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