Happy Holidays to All!

Here we are, heading to the shortest day and, of course, the longest night of the year.  We celebrate Christmas so the season is busy for us, and we don’t mind the dark at all. Cards, presents, lights, good food, gatherings with friends and families—I really do enjoy them all.

Yesterday, Clif and I wrapped presents, and they are organized and tucked away for the big day. I must admit this is one Christmas chore I’m not particularly fond of, and I am always happy when it is done. Yay!

Now, on to cleaning and cooking to get ready for the arrival of the kids—Mike, Shannon, and Dee. Double yay! Can’t wait to see them. I plan on baking shortbread cookies with chocolate frosting; thumb–print cookies; chocolate chip cookies; and maybe some toffee. We shall see about the last.

With so much to do and enjoy, I’ll be taking off the next two weeks from the blog, and I’ll be back sometime the week of January 1.

But here’s a little something silly, from our house to yours, to put you in the holiday spirit, whatever you celebrate. Or even if you don’t celebrate. Because we all need a bit of silly fun from time to time.

See  you in 2018!

54 thoughts on “Happy Holidays to All!”

  1. Sweet silliness! Have a wonderful time with your family.
    I watched ‘Exit Through the Gift Shop’ today whilst crocheting – what an extraordinary tale – can’t thank you enough for recommending it Laurie.

    1. Thanks, Sandra! And, yes, a highly entertaining movie with a pointed message. That Banksy!

  2. The wrapping doesn’t look to have been too difficult, but I fear the recipients might be able to guess their presents. Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and New Year.

  3. Enjoy your family and your holiday! Looks like you are already well on your way!

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