I Have Been Noted

One of the great delights of blogging is becoming friends with people you normally wouldn’t meet. Some of those friends are not that far—in Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and New Jersey. Others are actually much farther away—Canada, England, Scotland, and even Australia.

One such blogging friend is Quercus, who lives in England. (He has a blog called Quercus Community.) In response to one of my comments on a recent post, he referred to me as “a noted author of YA fiction.”  So very kind of him, but I replied that “noted” might be overstating the case. He wrote back: “I stand by what I said. If necessary I will write a post tomorrow titled ‘A Note About Laurie Graves’, and then you really will be noted!”

By gosh, Quercus did exactly as he promised, and he wrote a lovely post entitled A Note About Laurie Graves – Author, Raconteur and Eater of Ice Cream. 

I was tickled, touched, and oh so pleased that he would take the time to write about me, to, in fact, note me. Also, as an indie author with a budget as big as a minute, readers’ kind words and promotions really help.

Many, many thanks, Quercus, for noting me. And thanks to all my other blogging friends who have bought and read Maya and the Book of Everything and have been so encouraging.

It really makes a difference.

And, Quercus, thanks to you I will no longer hesitate to state that I am a noted author.



42 thoughts on “I Have Been Noted”

      1. I also enjoyed reading about Julia’s uncle. What a time he had! Most writers weave elements of real life into their stories. I know I do, even though I write fantasies. Sometimes, though, they get nabbed for it.

  1. Quercus is an astute judge of good writing, and his name is the Latin for the mighty oak tree. A strong name indeed!

    1. I did not know that, and how appropriate! Thanks for letting me know, Gayle.

  2. You are very deserving of being noted! What a wonderful blogging friend!

  3. What a lovely tribute Laurie, you are a truly noted and finest author! 🤗💖 xxx

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